Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pronunciation is not my forte

When I was relaxed on a lounge chair at a hotel's poolside in Pattaya, Thailand, I had a small talk with a guy who was relaxed on the next lounge chair. He is Austrian and he tried to explain to me about Mozart. However, our pronunciations were totally different especially "Mozart", so when he asked me if I knew about Mozart, I said no, no idea. He was really surprised and showed me 1 Euro coin and asked me again if I knew his face. Of course I knew the face, that's him, Mozart. A famous musician. That's why he looked like a deer in the headlights when I said I had no idea about Mozart. Pronunciation is not my forte. I didn't know that Austrian 1 Euro coin has his face, though. Anyway, after three months I visited Salzburg and found Mozart's birth place (a.k.a. Mozarts Geburtshaus). It stood out on the road and had a long Austrian flag. Everybody took a picture, so I did the same. I'm not sure, but I've heard that the world famous musician was born on the fourth floor of this building.