Sunday, August 8, 2010

I think I already ate enough bread in my lifetime

I'm Asian, so rice is my staple food and I really love fried rice. One day in Sri Lanka I ordered a fried rice and a chicken curry. Then, the fried rice happened to be a garlic fried rice. I mean the chef put some garlic to make the fried rice. I don't know why it happened, but I really liked the taste, so I ordered it time and time again. I think it really went well with curry and Sri Lankan beer Lion. I remember that when I was in Europe for 53 days, I was not able to eat enough rice and I ate plenty of bread instead every single day. With that, after the long stay in Europe I was not able to eat bread for about a year or so. Now I'm okay, but at that moment I was really sick of bread. I'm sure rice is my staple food.

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