Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Vindaloo Chicken in London, England

The photo shows Vindaloo Chicken. I took this curry at an Indian restaurant in London, England, the United Kingdom. One of my English acquaintances had told me that Vindaloo was the spiciest curry he had ever had. If my memory is correct, he said he took his first Vinadloo in the UK, I don't remember which part. Anyway one day in London, I wanted to have some rice for lunch, and went into an Indian place. I looked at their menu and found Vindaloo. I ordered it with Veggie Basmati Rice. The curry was spicier than many other Indian Curry I had ever had, but it was not the spiciest for me. The spiciest curry I have ever had is Jungle Curry (a.k.a. Kaeng Pa or Forest Curry, Thai: แกงป่า). Currently, I use a photo of Jungle Curry as a title image of my blog. Yeah. This is it.

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