Thursday, December 16, 2010

Popular Thai snack Kheep Moo

Usually I don't eat between meals, but when it comes to in Thailand, it's not the case. A lot of unique snacks are spread out all over Thailand. The photo shows one of them and it's my favorite. This is Kheep Moo (Thai: แคบหมู); pronunciation: cape as in cape town, and moo as in moon in a way. In layman's terms, it's like fried pork rinds. It's very crunchy, and a little bit salty. I always buy at least a couple of bags like the photo shows and keep them in my hotel room to eat whenever I want. By the way, eating snacks is Kin Len (กินเล่น) or Kin Len Len (กินเล่นๆ) in Thai language.

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